Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hannah ya esta crawling y trata de pararse

Como pasa el tiempo! Hannah ya crawlea! She is a most confident crawler and she tries to chew on whatever is at hand: paper, toys, trash bags. Just anything! So we are after her all the time....

At the same time, Hannah is trying to stand up. She still does not have balance because she stands on the tip of her feet. But I am sure that she will soon start standing up on her own.

She is using the CD player as a walker. But she learner (how???) to open up the player and tries to get the CD out....Ay Hannita Hannita!

It's wonderful to see her react to new experiences, new noises, new toys, new things that she discovers in the house. I am looking at the world in a whole new different way, because of Hannah. And it't not that I am only talking about a figurative way of looking at the world. Nope. I am lying on the floor with her, so I am at floor level, so I can see things from a different angle!!! Cheers, Kuki

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