Saturday, September 23, 2006

Mama habla dos idiomas!

As you already know, we are speaking two languages to Hannah. However, what I want to describe is how Alan and I communicate with Hannah when we talk to her at the same time. For example, today we had one "conversation" with Hannah, one in which we tried to explain to her that she is teething and this is why she is in pain. So Alan explained the situation to Hannita in English. He used vocabulary that was quite sophisticated. After he said what he said I naturally repeated the same idea in Spanish. Mind you, we were not doing this intentionally, I just started doing things naturally. SO I told Hannah what the problem was. She looked at Alan and looked at me. She did not seem confused. What IS interesting is that when she hears me speak Spanish she communicates with me very naturally, plays, responds by cooing, etc. However, the few times she has heard me speak English, she noticed that I was doing something new, different. So she looked at me with her big eyes, looking surprised. So I think that she does realize that there is a difference between the two languages and she notices when we are speaking one or the other....

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